Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Aesthetic Side of Lights

Light plays a huge impact in all living things. Without light our ecosystem will collapse. Plants cannot process its food without light. Without plants animals and humans don't stand a chance of survival too.

Nowadays light does not only meant to provide us with our energy source, protection and security but it also provide us for our aesthetic needs. Man craves for all things that are pleasing to the eyes including light. Lighting designers here and abroad created and innovated the lighting fixtures in answer to our aesthetic needs.(credit goes to the photographer)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Love Month

February, known as the month of love is here again. Star-crossed lovers in general are all looking forward to this month to express their love towards each other. They would express their love by sending bouquets of lovely flowers and delicious chocolates or treat their love ones to a candle-lit dinner in an elegant and expensive restaurant. A few lovers would wait for this month to make a wedding proposal. Its kind of cheesy to some but to those who are in love, they find it romantic.

Most of the time their proposal are made in restaurants decorated with something which spells out romance such as the interior and exterior lighting designs, center table, chairs, wall and counter tables because such decorations exudes a cozy and romantic atmosphere which will normally result to a positive response. Moreover some romantics would go an extra mile to express their undying love by setting up a romantic dinner for two themselves.(credit goes to the photographer)

Friday, February 1, 2013

The Importance Of Light To Man

Light is of great importance in this world. We all depend on it. We wouldn't be able to do anything in the dark. As the song goes, "it is better to light just one little candle than to stumble in the dark." 

Lighting designers vary their design lighting depending on the our needs. They designed night lamps to make sure that we have a good night rest and brightening our bedrooms. They created streetlights and car blinkers to make sure that we won't get lost while travelling at night or to avoid accidents. They created display lighting to showcase the best products we have in our shops, boutiques, or business establishments. And most of all they are committed to design lighting fixtures for our enjoyment.  Notice how pretty our parks, museums, plaza's, offices and building units look at night? They are made possible by the various interior and exterior lighting designs which are meticulously made by our creative designers.

If you'll ask me, the best lighting designs are not designed by man but by our dear mother nature. The great sun which is one of our sources of energy provide us heat and lighting during the day while it lends it light to the moon at night. Stars on the other are use for navigation since time immemorial. It is through the stars that the three magi are able to find Jesus Christ in Bethlehem.

I don't know a single person who loves total darkness. Living in a pitch black world is like living in eternal fear and confusion. None of us would want that. Remember that light gives meaning to our insignificant lives. All of us seek it even in the afterlife.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Iwag Festival, A Festival of Lights

Pototan, Iloilo, Philippines, known as the Christmas Capital in the Visayas because of the amazing display of lights known as the Iwag Festival never cease to impress visitors here and abroad. A group of excellent lighting designers gather their heads to ensure that they have some new lighting designs to display every Yuletide Season. (credit goes to the photographer)

Christmas Village


The Light House

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Lighting Innovations

Light is a very significant element in our lives. It signifies peace, purity, goodness, and hope. Without the light, our eyes meant nothing. What good will they do if all we can see is an ocean of nothingness? We are given eyes to see by Our Creator so we can enjoy the beauty of nature He created for us. He made the stars and the moon to light up the skies at night and the sun during the day.

Presently, we don't have to depend our lighting sources in the celestial bodies or torches anymore. There are other options such as the incandescent lamps, florescent lamps,   halogen lamps and LED lamps to name a few. These lights are either powered by electricity or chemicals. They are invented and innovated by lighting designers to meet our lighting needs. (Photographer: Arvin Tonogbanua)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Nature's Display of Lights

by Arvin Tonogbanua

Nature has its own lighting designer. This amazing picture only shows how magnificent and amazing our Creator is.  Ad maiorem Dei gloriam!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Beauty of Plazuela de Iloilo

Florete Land Inc., did an incredible job in developing a place where you can dine, party and enjoy a good night stroll all together. Kudos to their team of architects for making sure that anyone who come to visit does not only enjoy the panoramic view but the lighting designs as well. They made sure that we both enjoy the beauty of the day as well as the night.